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Welcome to the Semantic Web Research Community is a semantic-enabled knowledge portal developed by the Institute AIFB at the University of Karlsruhe to demonstrate the potential and benefits of semantic technologies, such as ontologies, on the web serves as the central hub in a network of collaborating semantic portals. While each portal can operate independently, the true power lies in their collaboration. Each portal holds partial knowledge of a specific domain or application, and by querying across these portals, a comprehensive and dynamic view can be generated instantly.

Why Multiple Portals Instead of Just One?

The reason is simple: performance and scalability. Different domains and applications have unique requirements. For example, a large publication server demands different storage capabilities than a news or community portal. By combining knowledge from various portals—such as linking publication data with background information on projects or people—a richer, more complex view is created with just a click. 

Get Involved

OntoWorld offers a range of community-building features. To get in touch with the team behind OntoWorld, visit our contact page.

Create an account easily by registering on OntoWorld. As a registered user, you can submit news, blogs, and more. Test out the features and start collaborating today! . is built using our custom-developed semantic portal software.